CADE 2.67

Free A powerful 2D vector editor for Windows, including basic Visio functionality
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CADE is a 2D vector editor that allows you to draw maps, flowcharts, electric circuits, networks and others. It provides predefined blocks to work with and also permits for custom blocks to be drawn by you.

CADE includes predefined blocks to help you create 3D maps, furniture, networks, electronic circuits, office layout equipment and others. The graphics of the blocks is not spectacular, but then again, this program is not created to impress with its looks but with its functionality. Items can be added to the workspace with the drag and drop method, then certain editing actions can be performed on them. They can also be grouped or ungrouped, aligned, ordered or rotated. The number of available blocks in each section is not impressive, however you may add blocks from within your folders.

The CADE utility can be used not only for editing 2D vectors, but also for publishing drawings on the Internet, after having registered on the developer's website first. No plug-in is required for viewing the drawings with a regular Internet browser, but in order to modify them CADE needs to be installed.

To sum it all up, CADE is a great tool for network engineers and designers as it comes with an intuitive interface and includes the basic blocks that allows specific drawings to be created.

MS Senior editor
Margie Smeer
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • Drawings can be shared on the Internet using the developer's server


  • Each category of blocks includes only basic items

Comments (1)

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rating Jim
Not a fully developed software. Very glitchy. I haven't had this much trouble with software since the mid 90's.

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